Monday, 22 February 2010

Chrome exposes Guido

What a powerful browser Google's Chrome is. Up until now, CF has been a Firefox user, but he's just beginning to flirt with a move to Chrome.

The new browser lets one look at things in an entirely new way, see websites and blogs from a different angle.

For example, CF used to think that Guido Fawkes was a fearless maverick, an exposer of the dirty, greedy, cash-grubbing sleaze of politics. Revealing those who would pass on any old message, in exchange for cash.

But now, using Chrome, without the Adblock add-on, CF can see what Guido is really all about:

Yup, not just political tittle tattle, but adverts. Huge, garish adverts. Adverts for Windows 7, adverts for Dell Laptops. 

What a rebel...



  1. Let him without fault cast the
    first stone. Are not all bloggers
    thinly veiled advocates of an
    invisible hand .Media which is readily available is just as easy,

    Rivers of Babylon

  2. He likes posting links about himself too. Just another Ego in the Political Bullshitsphere methinks...

  3. Turn off Javascript when you visit, and you will find that there are still ads, but they're completely messed up.

    There's one up there now, asking me if I'd like to buy "Gifts any mother would love". For Mothering Sunday, in March. March 2009.

  4. Whilst Chrome (or rather, it's underlying engine, Chromium) is indeed quick and good, I would recommend people check out SRWare Iron.

    It's a rebuild of Chromium, without any of Google's tracking software (which becomes Chrome)

    Go and (ironically) google rlz.dll - or just check the differences.

  5. Um... why shouldn't he try and monetise it? Isn't there a Chrome extension for ad blocking yet? They're adding them at a great pace, you know.

  6. What am I missing? Has he claimed to be against advertising in the past?

  7. What I don't understand is why CF had to change to Chrome to discover this. Does he not have the savvy to turn off the Adblock add-on?

    Or is he pitching for Chrome?

  8. Thinking about it, doesn't CF's inability to turn off Adblock in FF, rather expose him as a thicky?
