Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Let 'em ALL in, said Labour

Much as this woeful Government would like us to ignore its truly appalling record on immigration, and much as they'd like to completely bury the facts under a fucking deluge of shiny things, multiply-announced 'investments' and lies about the opposition, those facts are still there.

This bunch of deluded fuckwits has presided over the largest inflow of immigrants in this unfortunate country's entire history. More than three million immigrants have come into the UK under NuLabour.

In 2008, half of all births in London were to foreign-born mothers. Yup, every other baby. Even looking at the rest of England and Wales, the statistic is one in four, for Christ's sake.

The population is expected to grow to 70 million over the next couple of decades, and yet no-one has any idea where the additional houses, jobs and infrastructure will come from, or how it might be paid for now that Broon has bankrupted us.

The few that are brave enough to ignore the knee-jerk shouts of 'racist' whenever they raise the issue are often inclined to give this Government of Fools the benefit of the doubt and assume that they just 'lost control' of the endless flood of immigration. That they fell asleep with the lights on and all the doors unlocked.

But actually, it now appears that, far from being some sort of accident - 'oooops, where did they all come from?' - the whole thing was part of a deliberate plan

The Migrationwatch think tank has, using good ol' F-of-I, got hold of a Government policy document from 2000. And, fucking hell, now we can see what's been going on.

Admitting that migration would and should increase, the document makes the case that the Government would not try to control or reduce it, because any controls on entry..

"can contribute to social exclusion .. [and] have no economic or social justification"

Whereas opening the floodgates, 'come one, come all' is actually a good thing and..

"..should not be viewed as a negative ... a widening of consumer choice and significant cultural contributions"

The idea, it seems, in the words of one official involved, was to make this once-great-nation "truly multicultural".

What it didn't say in the document - but what Labour wonks will have known all a-fucking-long is that, according to Electoral Commission, in 2005 general election these same immigrants voted for Labour by "overwhelming margins".

Well isn't that fucking nice? Come to our country - you will be given a house, some benefits, possibly even job: all you have to do is vote for your kind benefactors. Oh, and make sure you fill in the postal vote for all of your friends and aunties too.

Now we know why these plans were kept secret. Why the shrieking and the shouting-down of any opposition was so loud, so continuous. Why the whole fucking thing has been carefully spun into being a taboo subject.

The only tiny, tiny glimmer of light in all of this is that Labour's secret, wrong-headed and interfering policies are now coming home to roost. Labour MPs are losing ground to the BNP, who are now hugely popular among the sort white working-class voters who have voted for the traditional donkey-with-a-red-rosette for the last century. And why? Because they've seen the effects of Labour's pathetic social engineering.

The BNP are a loathsome party, with a twisted and xenophobic agenda.

Which makes it all the more galling that they seem to have been fucking well right all along.



  1. This doesn't surprise me one iota ..

    Everything this & the previous Government has had a hand in thoroughly disgusts me ..

    I know a great many normal, ordinary people who'll be voting BNP this time round .. who are sick & tired of being second class citizens in their own country and intend to teach Labour a very painful lesson .. which they need to learn.. urgently ..

    And if CMD has one whit of sense .. he'll sit up & take notice too ..

  2. "And if CMD has one whit of sense..."

    Well, so much for that then..!

  3. I don't think anybody normal votes for the BNP. I don't think all BNP voters are racist but I think a lot of them are slightly less intelligent than the dogshit I stepped in this morning.

    As for "people in this country being treated as second class citizens", that would be due to the Thatcherite principle of selling everything that's not nailed down. People are losing their jobs because every single British company has been flogged to the Yanks or the Spanish, not because some poor immigrants come in and get a whopping £38 a week to buy their food and heating.

  4. Anon @ 0935

    You're perfectly entitled to an opinion & to express that opinion .. as are we all ..

    However your comments make me more than a little suspicious that you work for the ZaNuLiebore Rebuttal Unit .. or something very much like it ..

    Please tell your Paymasters that they've been well & truly rumbled & ask them to close the door quietly on their way out after the General Election ..

  5. Sadly, I have to agree with you Julia ...

    A complete no-hoper ..

  6. "I don't think anybody normal votes for the BNP."

    I disagree. The overwhelming discontent for uncontrolled immigration and the failure of LibLabCon to address the issue in any way is lending itself to a wider range of demographic voting BNP than the MSM would suggest.

    We shall see in May.

  7. Why do so many "libertarian" bloggers turn into authoritarian cunts when it comes to immigration?

  8. The labour market regulates itself just like any other market. In a truly free-market immigration would neither be encouraged nor discouraged.

    Alas, in the context of social democracy (in a country with a declining birth rate)immigration has to be encouraged but capped.

  9. Ha @ Duncan. You gotsta admit he has a point.

    I'm so bored of immigration, frankly. I knowwwwwwwww that, for or against, it's an important issue, but the debate is just so full of idiots it makes me wail and gnash my teeth.

    I'm absolutely all for multiculturalism - well, I prefer to call it pluralism, slight difference - rock on rainbow hues and melting pots and fresh ideas and new oral traditions and cool food and interesting clothes and stuff and stuff and stuff.

    I also love it on Question Time when black and Asian audience members say they want a ban on more immigration. The look on the politicians' faces is such pure irony that I go to bed a happy woman.

    Did NuLab attempt some social engineering? I spec' so.

  10. "..should not be viewed as a negative ... a widening of consumer choice and significant cultural contributions"

    Oh fuckin' WOW!!!

    So I can go and buy a fucking rotted meat kebab at 3 in the morning whilst watching the ethnics carry out their traditional customs of "dancing with knives whilst robbing poor bastards", or their curious custom of rape and pillage, or even watch them steal all the jobs whilst still claiming dole.

    Well fucking yipEE!

    I will remember the "cultural enrichment" NEXT time that curious and ever so exotic wailing cunt on top of that new tower wakes me fucking up at 5 in the morning. (If I have not already spent all night puking up the fucking muck they present as "food".

  11. Ach shit. I forgot the "follow up" button.

  12. @Duncan, @Jill

    What the fuck is 'authoritarian' about protesting against social engineering and international gerrymandering?

    Why don't you go the whole hog, and call me a racist too?

    That's the standard approach to closing down the immigration debate.


  13. @CF

    Oh, don't get mooooooooooooooody. I'm having a much worse bad hair day than you, betcha. It's all going to hell in a handcart in my wee world today. Still, onwards and upwards. It's a fair point and it's nowt to do with racism. Wind your neck in! What's your liberal frame of reference? The UK or the world? Easy question. Should be an easy answer, non?

  14. Hello, from one of the two million !

    Sorry to nudge this thread closer to actual racism, but I can tell you they aren't encouraging ALL immigrants into the UK. Over the same period of time, they've made it much, much harder and more expensive for Yanks (that's me), Canucks, Aussies and Kiwis to get in.

    And they've completely eliminated some visas, like the one that let old rich bastards retire to the UK if they wanted. Isn't that swell?

    Last time I had to go to Lunar House to renew my visa, I believe I was the only native English speaker in the whole hall. Including staff.

    So it's not immigration they were looking for. It was immigration from demographics least likely to be happy and fit in here.

  15. And actually, it's not immigration we're talking about at all. The legal immigrant route is difficult and expensive for everybody. Among other things, you have to prove you can support yourself.

    Refugees and asylum seekers are the ones who go straight to benefits.

    So Labour can accurately claim to be tightening the screws on immigrants, while immigrants aren't the problem.

  16. I won't call you racist. I'll call you nationalist, which is just as immoral as being racist.

    Why would anyone other than a nationalist give a damn about the birth location of someone, or indeed their mother?

    We are all pushed out of a vagina in circumstances out of our control. Discriminating on the basis of any of these circumstances is abhorrent.

    Your entire argument is centred around the need for immigration to be controlled, but restricting immigration is among the most sinister forms of social engineering imaginable.

    Labour's selective immigration policy may well also have been motivated by social engineering. Fine, I'll call them authoritarian cunts too. But at least they are allowing a modicum of freedom, even if it is under dubious motives.

  17. So why do they want to come here at all, Duncan? After all, Britain can't be "better" than where they come from -- that would be making a value judgment on a whole culture! What abhorrent discrimination THAT would be!

    So if everybody and everything is the same everywhere, why doesn't everybody just stay put?

  18. To an immigrant, their destination is better than their origin. Obviously. I don't know what point you are making.

    By the way, I'm perfectly happy to make judgements on immoral cultures.

    But we aren't born with a culture. We choose to adopt or reject aspects of the culture we are born into.

  19. "Culture" is an aggregate of the beliefs and behaviors of people. Culture doesn't exist in the absence of people, after all. Cultures are different because people are different.

    Whether those differences are learned or innate is irrelevant to this discussion. The upshot is, you can't take an individual and parachute him into any culture on the planet and guarantee he will adapt and succeed.

    Oh. For "culture" read "nation" throughout.

  20. S.Weasel: the trouble is, any offspring you have here are far more likely to vote for those naaasty Tories.

    That won't do at all.

    The point of immigration, as any fule kno, is to provide the next generation of Labour voters.

    Oh, and the idiot moaning about Thatcher: why did the Tories have to sell everything off? To get us out of the mess after the last Labour government.

    I hope people still mention Blair/Brown in 20 years to put future Labour voters off...

  21. I'm providing no guarantee that any individual will succeed in any culture. But by limiting immigration, either you are assuming that individuals from a particular culture are guaranteed no to, or you feel it's not worth taking the risk that they might not.

    So how about this... we let immigrants decide what is right for them, instead of using state force to impose such decisions upon individuals.

  22. @Captain Haddock: "However your comments make me more than a little suspicious that you work for the ZaNuLiebore Rebuttal Unit .. or something very much like it"

    Not really. Can't stand Jonah, or CallMeDave, or any of them really. They're all too far enamoured with Thatcherite bollocks policy.

    And I think that most people voting BNP are thick. Thick enough to believe that a load of right-wing nutcases give a flying fuck what they think.

    @Constantly Furious: A right wing libertarian should believe in the free market above all else. By extension that means a free labour market, and by extension that means unlimited immigration.

    It doesn't make you racist to believe the borders should be closed, but it does make a mockery of your claimed right-wing libertarian stance.
    Closed borders are the ultimate in protectionism.

    @Furor Teutonicus: I forget, white people NEVER commit crime. And John Worbuoys was actually from Uganda. How stupid of me.

  23. No, by restricting immigration, you -- or, at least, I -- wish to maximize the chances the immigrant will at least TRY to adapt to the host culture, rather than simply recreating his home culture in miniature with other immigrants.

    A country made up of multiple, vastly different, monocultural ghettoes is not actually multicultural. And it's not likely to be healthy.

  24. David said...

    @Furor Teutonicus: I forget, white people NEVER commit crime. And John Worbuoys was actually from Uganda. How stupid of me.

    When a mere 10% of the population (Middle Eastern/Turkish), commit 80% of the street crime in a city, then I reserve the right to be as fucking "racist" as you fucking like laddie.

    (Figures from the 2008 (latest available) criminal statistics crime report, Berlin).

    You can NOT chhose your relatives, but I chhose to fight having to accept SCUM to my country.

    I apply the same rules to my house as to my land. Any one fucks around and causes shit in MY house, they get a broken nose and fucked RIGHT out.

    My land the same.

  25. And THAT goes if they are "legaly" here or not.

  26. You're arguing for state intervention for the protection the host culture, because you perceive that the alternative is not likely to be healthy.

    I'm saying that's authoritarian.

    And I'm right.

  27. Duncan Stott said...

    You're arguing for state intervention for the protection the host culture, because you perceive that the alternative is not likely to be healthy.

    I'm saying that's authoritarian.

    And I'm right.

    So what?

    I am MORE that "authorotarian IN MY OWN HOUSE laddie. In fact I am out right damn FASCIST when it comes to protecting my home, and I include my country in that as I said.

  28. Yeah, you know what else is authoritarian? Property rights. Arresting people who commit crimes. The rule of law. Your mom. The Mayor of Bristol. Driver's licenses. Age of consent laws.

    "Authoritarian" is not another word for "icky."

  29. It is in some people's vocabularies. But they'll learn. Eventually.

  30. Oh, and on the subject of immigration, check out the interview with Alan Johnson on that subject on the 'Jeremy Vine' show, if the Beeb have put it on iPlayer yet.

    He got the predicted hammering from the callers, no surprises there. But what WAS a surprise was being able to hear his visible irritation and contempt at being faced with such questions, evident in his sighs and almost imperceptible 'tuts' heard over the mic.

    They know this is a weak point for them, and it obviously rankles...

  31. I think libertarians should pick sides in the greatest debate of our age!

    On one side, there's those who believe the wealth of the nation should be looted and raided by anyone who wants it. If you're in the UK and you submit to rule by our Government, you too can join in our great project to consume all the wealth until there's none left.

    On the other side, there's those who think looting and raiding the wealth of Britain should just be for the British. Keep out the immigrants and the spoils will last longer and we'll each get a bigger share before we have to go crawling to the IMF and they force us to give up our extravagant and over the top public services that we can't actually afford.

    Yep, sooner libertarians figure out which side they're on, the sooner they'll stop wasting time on esoteric debates about the value of Free trade, on the evils of protectionism and can concentrate on the important issue that really matters: Where's MY share?

  32. It's funny in these debates how people who are "anti immigration" and demand "adaptation to the host culture" only ever mean that THOSE people should adapt to OUR culture.

    One never hears a PEEP out of them about all the English turning the Costa del Crime into a toilet.

    Funny that.

    Not that I'd want that lot deported back here. We're better without them.

    @S Weasel: "Authoritarian" is not another word for "icky."

    Quite right, I'm not sure who is saying that it is.

    Demanding closed borders and protection from immigration IS authoritarian though. It doesn't matter which side of the economic spectrum you look at it from.

    Right-wing libertarians believe in the market choosing everything (basically Ayn Rand nutjobbery) and left-wing libertarians believe in anarchy (basically hippy tree-hugging nutjobbery).

    @Furor: A link to your crime stats, if you'd be so good?

    The same can't be said for crime stats in the UK, though. Most crime over here is committed by homegrown scum.

    You can't deport people born here- more's the pity- but blocking entry for everyone on some spurious grounds about what "they" are like is racist bollocks. And you know it is.

  33. "One never hears a PEEP out of them about all the English turning the Costa del Crime into a toilet.

    Funny that.

    Not that I'd want that lot deported back here. We're better without them".

    Errm .. that's probably because they emigrated to Spain & are no longer our problem .. Emigrants as opposed to Immigrants ..

    I make no claim to be a Libertarian, I'm an Authoritarian right-winger .. always have been, always will be and I make no apologies for being such either ..

    The grounds on which I want Immigration strictly controlled can hardly be called spurious ..

    In case you hadn't noticed, we're a small island, our resources & infrastructure are not & never were intended to cope with the massive influx of people from anywhere.

    Such infrastructure & resources as we posses should be available to those of us who've spent a lifetime paying into the system .. neither the lazy, feckless, benefit-dependant scum, nor "johnny-come-lately" foreigners should get a look in ..

    And if that makes me a racist .. I can live with that and I make no apologies there either ..

  34. Captain Haddock, the problem is you've paid into the system and you're probably arguing with a lefty who never has. They will never understand this. The only authorities they like are the ones that give them their dole money and housing benefit etc.
    One day they'll realise that money doesn't grow on trees, it comes from the quickly diminishing private sector. And if Labour get in again, there'll be two less paying in to Gordon's coffers.

  35. TiredOfIt ..

    You are of course absolutely right .. apart from the types you already mentioned, there are also the sorts who've spent too long at University, with their heads up their own arses .. instead of being out in the real world ..

    For me, the problem is that I'm now at an age where leaving UK isn't an option ..

    But all is not lost .. as one of my favourite bits of Latin has it

    "De inimico loquaris male, sed gogites" ..

    (Do not wish ill for your enemy, plan it) .. Ha ha ..

  36. Slightly O/T I know .. but not that far ..

    Have a look at this .. whilst I carry on mopping the Tea out of the keyboard ...

  37. :-)

    I'll be off to France I think. You're never too old, I know an 80 year old who went there 2 years ago, he'd never been there before. He's loving it. Contrary to what the lefties think, there's a big helpful ex-pat community out there who haven't turned France into Costa del crime.

  38. I don't have that many folds in my brain unfortunately but this scheme was obvious to me years ago. It was obvious because no government, not even this one, could have been so incompetent in dealing with the influx if they had wanted to.

  39. The spin about the economic benefit of immigration came unstuck "with british jobs for british workers" moment , because it became clear that british taxes would be needed to prop up all the unemployment .

    If 500,000 illegal immigrants are residing in the UK , they are not contributing any taxes .

    wonk labour polices have set a bed of nitro out . Phill woolas looked quite nervous on politics show , why ? because the pennies begining to drop that we have had way too much immigration and the goverment have lied about what the economy can cope with .i mean there was always going to be a "full moment" .

    the libdems cant even admitt we need a upper limit , I never thought the BNP could get any traction beyond MEP , to put it mildly Labour have so blown it , i doubt some voters will ever return to them .

    I never used to know any BNP voters , now you hear it in all sorts of meetings with folk , they still sound a bit like a small party sometimes , but its definitely there as the sheer numbers are so alarming .

    the wierd thing is all the lies/troughing of the Labour years have busted everyones trust , if it turns out that the lies came with a bigger tag than labour told us all , the mood could change .
    In 2002 they polled less than 1% so somthing has changed .

    But its not just the UK ,Holland and Sweden are feeling it in some ways worse than the UK .

    But from here on in the sheer stupidity of Labour polices will close the book on immigration . If turkey becomes an EU member it could really kick off .

  40. David said...
    @Furor: A link to your crime stats, if you'd be so good?
    All available, back to 1997 (?) on;

  41. I wonder why all these people want to come to the UK?
    Could it be connected to history and what the West has done to so many counties- i.e fuck them over for profit?
    So now their countries have problems, and messes made by other people who didn't care- or war- small things like that- and they behave with something we might call The Survival Instinct- and come to a country where they feel they might be able to better themselves and their families.
    I doubt they, as children, thought 'I know what I'll do when I grow up- I'll get bombed a bit and lose my home and maybe a couple of my brothers and I will be forced to leave the country I was born in (and love), to try and make a life elsewhere- and then the people who live in that said country will look at me and call me scum and miss the point somewhat- yes, that sounds like a very good plan.'
    Wake up people. Stop being so brainwashed. The media WANTS you to hate the immigrants- it's a smoke screen to hide the real problems behind.
    But facing the real problems would mean looking at our own history and actions- and they aint all pretty- and maybe giving up some of the ways we live now- it's easier to get on the bandwagon and not think or challenge and carry on with, and in, ignorance.

  42. EmilyDreams said...

    I wonder why all these people want to come to the UK?
    Could it be connected to history and what the West has done to so many counties- i.e fuck them over for profit?
    So now their countries have problems, and messes made by other people who didn't care- or war- small things like that- and they behave with something we might call The Survival Instinct- and come to a country where they feel they might be able to better themselves and their families.
    I doubt they, as children, thought 'I know what I'll do when I grow up- I'll get bombed a bit and lose my home and maybe a couple of my brothers and I will be forced to leave the country I was born in (and love), to try and make a life elsewhere- and then the people who live in that said country will look at me and call me scum and miss the point somewhat-

    Ever heard the phrese "rats leaving a sinking ship"?

    Did the Brits, the Germans, the Dutch, the French, Norwegians, Poles,Russians, and hundreds of other peoples get up and leave their countries 1937 to 1945?

    No, the stayed put and fought tooth and bloody nail, and lived in the bombed out rubble of their cities until the problem was defeated.

    THAT is the bloody difference.

  43. Anonymous - you must be one of the many half-wits who vote NuLabour. You haven't got a clue have you? Own up to your particular ignorance an prejudice.
