Monday, 8 March 2010

Censoring the troops

After his pathetic, grandstanding, post-Chilcot tour of Afghanistan a couple of days ago, Gordon has decided he has no further use for our armed forces.

That's right, even those who are out there on the front line, on active duty. Fighting for Queen and Country.

Nope: Gordon's used the props, had his photo-op, and now he couldn't give a shit about them.

So now it's time to shut them up. After all, Gordo's got an election to win. And anything that might make us consider voting for anyone else must be ruthlessly supressed.

According to the Daily Telegraph, who have seen a leaked memo:

"British journalists and TV crews are to be banned from the Afghan front line once a date for the election has been set, while senior officers will be prohibited from making public speeches and talking to reporters"

What? What the fuck? Prohibited from making speeches? Prohibited from talking to reporters? But hang on, there's more:

"..embeds for all British news broadcasters and national journalists will be prohibited during the campaign"

Note, folks, only British journalists. Everyone else can hear how well or badly this war is going: just not the (voting) British public. Dear God.

But then we come to the cynical cherry on this giant shit-cake, the crowning glory. Wait for it....

"MoD websites will also be “cleansed” of any “non-factual” material including anything containing troops’ opinions of the war"

Fucking hell. So, censorship of anything that might cost Labour votes, eh? 'Cleansing' of websites? This is some chilling stuff. What next? How the fuck do they think they're going to get away with this?

We're not wearing this. Soldiers, Civil Servants. Anyone with any 'non-factual' material. CF hereby throws his blog open to you.

Come here, and have your say. Have a guest post. Have as many as you want. Email CF, DM CF on Twitter. Stick links in the comments.

We will not let this fucking corrupt, mendacious, inept Government censor you for PR reasons.

Labour can censor and restrict the tame, buyable, dead-tree media, but they can fuck right off out of the blogosphere.

++update++ : and, while we're at it, how about a Twitter hashtag?  #silencedArmy


  1. "This is some chilling stuff. What next? How the fuck do they think they're going to get away with this?"

    The same way they get away with everything else...

  2. I actually thought this whole surge/push/bomb people recent operation had already been censored! I was just saying to Mr Jill last night - where's the info? Why did we get all the advance stuff then a big fat zip?

    Oh, sigh to it all.

  3. Just when you thought you couldn't hate them any more....

    I really cannot find words to do it all justice.

    What the FUCK have we become?

  4. Lion of England8 March 2010 at 11:49

    To all Military commanders,you are hereby
    Authorized by the people of Britain,to at once Mobilize the Armed Forces,you will converge on London and Enter the HOUSE OF ILL REPUTE(PARLIAMENT).
    At the same time and space a Detachment is
    to ensure that all Ministers residing at or about No10 Downing street will
    also be Arrested.
    They are all to be taken to the Nearest
    prison,they a to be given only water and
    dry bread and allowed no telephone calls.
    You are to set up a temporary Government
    you are also orded to control the police force anybody refusing will be
    removed all Plastic Bobby's will return their uniforms and will be disbanded,ASP

    you are then to collect all known Quangos
    and non Jobbers are all to be removed.
    The Household Division is to secure London.
    I thank you on behalf of the British Public,Oh!One thing i Forgot all EUSSR

    Yours faithfully the British Public.we will be in touch as soon as we find the
    most suitable people.

  5. Lion of England8 March 2010 at 12:16

    TO all Military commanders,Our request
    is not a Joke!

  6. This needs to go viral.

  7. ARRSE will have a field day with this...

  8. We'll just have to do the newspapers' jobs for them.

    Plenty of info to be had from around the world - including Russia Today.

    I've a feeling this will blow up in McDoom's face. The jerk.

  9. I've sent the link to ten people who I think will send it on once they've read it.

    A start.

  10. Use the suggested Twitter tag #silencedArmy too. Lets get this moving!

  11. I am a civil servant. I will be watching what is published for us in the election campaign that is in support of a Labour win....and I will let the world know via here.
    Our code of conduct says that we are to remain impartial and not to outwardly support one party or another. I trust this will apply to Labour.

  12. Have just retweeted this story.

    I am also willing to open my blog, 'IanPJ on Politics'
    to any members of the Military who wish to speak during the election campaign, likewise to any journalist who would normally be embedded with the military during this time.

  13. "Labour can censor and restrict the tame, buyable, dead-tree media"

    For what it's worth the Daily Mail has the story up on its site:

  14. Just posted about this at mine CF. A new low for NewLabour I think...

  15. Any dissident views and you will be... shall we say... liquidated. It is your duty to our glorious Brownian state to look the other way! Hail to our great Leader!

    Here's to the next hundred years comrade.

  16. Tumblr'd

  17. I've also posted on the memos and have copies of two of them.

    Shameful stuff. The military won't bother though they'll just get on with things. They're far too busy to bother about PR.

    The Germans etc will still report the facts so all is not lost.

    Oh btw, the orders came from the Cabinet Office and we know who heads that don't we.

  18. Linked, along with a couple of posts of my own

  19. You are more stupid than I thought!!

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