The real rulers of this once-great nation, the blatantly obvious power-behind-Broon's-throne are the unions. One of them, Unison, recently used the few quid of their members' contributions not already bunged straight to Labour coffers to make a traditional fear-mongering video for our delectation.
You know the kind of thing: "every pound cut from the public sector budget means that nine nurses and eleven policeman must be fired". That kind of bollocks.
The folk over at the Taxpayers Alliance aint 'avin any of that shit though. They've done a quick remake, with a few minor tweaks, for the sake of accuracy:
You'd laugh out loud, if it wasn't so fucking close to the truth.
(Hat-tip OH, on Twatter)
When you repeatedly have to point out the truth to people because they are too thick to get it for themselves don't you feel like throwing in the towel and say you deserve everything you get? You don't because you know you will have to suffer alongside them.
ReplyDeleteThis Unite video is so blatantly inaccurate propaganda it should be treated with the same contempt we reserve for the propaganda of that of terrorists and totalitarian governments.
Sack & then hang the lot of 'em .. Oxygen thieves .. one & all .. & that includes the Unions
ReplyDeleteAs much as I loathe the Unions and everything they stand for, I also share a deep contempt for the Taxpayers' Alliance too.
ReplyDeleteThey're a bunch of toffs that are using the TPA as a vehicle for furthering their own pointless careers. They're benefitting from Nulabour's nonsense in the same way that Weight Watchers has an active VI in fat people.
Screw the lot of em.
Unison has lots of members on the minimum wage. And -from what I am told- they are visited by their reps driving their company Jaguars.
ReplyDeleteSomething wrong there, I think...