Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The new poverty

A half-hearted round of applause for the Evening Standard's efforts to illustrate how comprehensively this nation has been wrecked, but they've gone too far with David Cohen's latest tale of woe, a protracted bleat from a poor, poor single mother who struggles to get by in Broon's Britain.

Why does she struggle, the poor thing? Well, mainly because she's had 11 - yes, eleven - kids, by five different blokes. And, of course, every single one of these daddies has - gosh! - disappeared without trace from her life.

Ms Harriot, seen above, has been squirting out the sprogs for over 25 fucking years, since she was 19 years old.

And, possibly - just possibly - another factor that makes her 'struggle' is that in all that time she hasn't had a fucking job. Oh no, wait:

"At one point she became a teaching assistant, but she soon became pregnant again and the job didn't last"

At one point? At one point in 25 fucking years? So at every other 'point' in this woman's life, guess who's been paying for her and her vast brood? Guess who's been picking up the bills? Yes: us.

Although apparently, we don't give her enough money:

"'s so difficult in London living off £7 per child per day. I don't drink, I don't smoke, everything goes on essentials"

Essentials? When asked where exactly the money goes, Ms H. outlines her weekly budget, which includes:

"..£20 for telephones, £3 for her TV licence, £10 for Sky .."

What? over 80 quid a month on 'phones, and over 55 quid a month on television? CF is a plump, well-paid, smug middle class git, whose wife 'n' kids all have mobile 'phones and like a bit of telly, but even he doesn't spend that much.

Well, technically, he does, because CF is one of the mugs who pays the tax that goes to pay for Ms. Harriots fucking 'phone calls and rich televisual entertainment.

So, this family is living 'in poverty', 'below the breadline' but has mobile 'phones and Sky TV? What the fuck has happened to the definition of 'essentials', eh?

Mind you, Ms. H. goes on, they "..still haven't got a computer". Still? Don't you love that little extra I-know-my-rights word? Still? Still no computer? What, after asking, and after waiting all these years? Shocking.

In spite of our abject failure to deliver Ms Harriot the computer she so richly deserves, and in spite of the fact the Ms H. struggles on the meagre amount we give her, what with the Sky and the T-Mobile bills and everything, we're still shelling out plenty:

"..the state funding her housing costs, council tax, and daily living expenses to the tune of £38,844 a year."

Nearly 39 grand? Well hoo-fucking-rah.

The whole point of this piece is to show us all how 'the State' is - boo hoo - failing people, and not doing enough for them. Not giving them computers, not giving them enough money for Sky TV and clothes. Forcing them to live in houses where they don't even have a bedroom each.

In fact what it shows is exactly the fucking opposite. The State is failing the rest of us, by taking more and more and more money from us, in more and more elaborate ways, just to piss all over people who have decided - entirely voluntarily - not to bother to get a job, but to sit in front of the telly sending text messages to each other.

For fuck's sake.



  1. Best blog post I've read in ages CF. Couldn't agree more.

  2. Are you trying to kill me, CF?

    I've got this red mist gathering in front of my eyes after reading that, and my blood pressure must be about the same as a drinking giraffe at the moment...

  3. Dontcha love "social Values"?

    A future fair for all indeed

  4. Fecklessness is rewarded handsomely. Thats the crux of the problem. Not just in this woman's case but in thousands of others up and down the country. In Darwinian terms she is more successful than the rest of us. By adapting to her environment she has reproduced on a large scale.
    I can almost imagine David Attenborough describing her and how she has adapted to tax and throw away Britain in that hushed voice of his.

  5. Excellent. £39K.

    That's exactly the amount I refuse to pay in tax every year now.

    The bit I fail to understand is how she managed to get shagged eleven times. I'm not fussy but I'd need a bottle of vodka and two bags.

  6. Yeah I nearly choked on opening yesterdays Standard. This was dayy two of its "fight poverty" campaign, timed with the election campaigns in mind (lots of snide anti-Cameron lines everywhere)

    This bslapper could fight poverty just by keeping her legs shut tight for once.

    The Standard seems to be running a pro-Labour line. Big screaming headline on Tory non-dom Lord Ashcroft, one small footnote on Labour non-dom Lord Paul.Couldn't get more balanced could it?

  7. Simple remedy, no additional benefits after the 2nd child. Then there is a financial dis-incentive to keep reproducing.

  8. A bitch like this should have been compulsorily steralized several offspring ago. Large families should only be permitted to those who require NO STATE HELP AT ALL to raise them. It's a fucking outrage.

  9. Niggled said...
    Large families should only be permitted to those who require NO STATE HELP AT ALL to raise them.

    Bet the are making a fucking FORTUNE from the white powder trade though.

  10. I always see "parents" like this as kidnappers of their OWN children.

    "Pay up or the they get harmed" is what kidnappers and benefit addicts both say.

  11. woss the option then ya bunch a cunts
    keep the divide going ass holes
    the present system is designed to create friction and get wankers like you lot singling out individuals lets just hope her kids dont fight(YEAH DONT GO ALL PC COZ THATS WOT ITS GONNA TAKE)in a revolution that leaves a power vacuum 4 keypad tapping cocks like you scum 2 fill
    good morning

  12. confushas - you know that thing in front of you is a keyboard not a phone, so you don't have to text... you can use REAL words!

    I doubt even those poor kids (I mean poor in the non-financial sense obviously)don't even know what a revolution entails.

  13. Confushas, any chance you could repost your comment in English instead of Sarf Lahndan Chav?

  14. Leave Confushas alone, he's only stickin' up fo' his ma.

  15. I think I read a different article. A bit tippy-toe and sappy, yes, but wasn't it saying the mother was an irresponsible twit but the important thing is to prioritise ensuring the children don't turn into irresponsible twits, too? That would be 11 more irresponsible twits to pay for, at 11 times the expense. No?

    I personally spend about 2p a week on phones, but that is because I hate them. I spend about £90 a week to feed four, and I feed my lot on posh food, but I cook it all from scratch and grow lots - so I could equally say why the hell is the stupid woman spending £350 on twelve people, I don't, so she must be devil's spawn.

    I think you've made a straw man post about this article.

    Personal position: ain't that happy about financing a single mother with eleven children outta my taxes, but I'd rather pay for her than shit on the children.

    Why won't somebody think of the children?

    (Snigger. Sorry!)

  16. 11 kids, ye Gods must be like fucking a bucket.

  17. You don't get rid of the Dane by paying the Danegeld.

  18. Eleven kids dont cost us "7 a week each". That's pocket money. There is eleven state school educashuns at £6,000 a year each kid, plus eleven entitlements to NHS care at £1,000 a year each (capitation charge) plus a free however many bedroom house. The idea that this benefit-addict is living in "poverty" must cause three quarters of the real world to fall about laughing - were it not for their ribs sticking out through their chests.

    Standard Editor Joe Murphy knows only too well what he is doing. And unfortunately as the Standard rag is owned by a russian kleptocrat and nominaly "free", you can't even stop buying it.

    PS we don't all speak "Sarf" down here. Don't mind Confushas. The smoke from the weed blowing down from Brixton sometimes gets to us.

  19. Why won't somebody think of the children?

    (Snigger. Sorry!)

    3 March 2010 15:27

    Yes they know someone will think of the children how else could you blackmail the system otherwise?

  20. So, Anonymous, what do you do? Put the kids into (more expensive) care and give the mother nothing? It's not even as though that's cheaper!

  21. Give the kids to the Catholics. They love kids.

    In fact, there's a million bloody charities and umpty-thousand religions all desperate to help the needy. Let's cut the welfare bill by making it a short term benefit to those really in need and let the do-gooders take care of the rest.

  22. Blogger Jill said...

    So, Anonymous, what do you do? Put the kids into (more expensive) care and give the mother nothing? It's not even as though that's cheaper!

    3 March 2010 1

    Errr, stop benefits after the second child. Give plenty of notice before doing so.

  23. IMHO Stop benefits before the first child.

    You want children? Dip in your own pocket.

  24. Mmmmm interesting post and comments red face ,such large numbers of offspring is unusual is it not,and I would argue irresponsible on the mothers and fathers part.

    The only reason people like this woman have such a big brood is because they know the gov /taxpayer will pay.

    Selfish,arrogant yes!but we are where we are and those kids need to be fed and watered,housed and clothed despite their mothers and fathers irresponsibility.

    Lets hope with support they grown to be good citizens,which would be unlikely if they were left to the streets.

  25. Uranus, The Magician3 March 2010 at 18:32

    Typical of black "culture".

  26. Point of note:

    She receives her benefits TAX FREE. So to have £39k in her dirty little paws she would need to be earning in the region of £52-£55k.

    In reality her benefits will be far greater than the figure quoted (with eleven kids).


  27. Isn't parthenogenesis scary?

    (She did have those children by herself, right? Or did I just miss the bit about how the fathers were irresponsible and feckless too?)

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