Thursday, 25 March 2010

Perhaps you were right, Darling

Spotted earlier today, just off Curzon Street, London, was this lovely brand new shop. Just open for business, with 4 pretty young things bustling busily behind the counter.

Lola's sells only two things: pretty little cupcakes, freshly baked on the day, and half bottles of pink champagne.

Each of the cupcakes is tiny, hand decorated and costs an eye-watering two pounds. Two quid? Yes.

For the same price, you could stuff your and all your friends' faces with 30 large profiteroles from hideous crap-mongers Iceland.

And how delightful to be able to wash down your tiny 2 quid cupcake with some delicious bubbly, eh? Champagne? Mmmmmm. Super.

So perhaps Alistair 'Badger' Darling was right yesterday? Perhaps he is part of a

"government that has been right about the recession, right about the recovery, right about supporting people and businesses in this country."

Perhaps things really are getting rapidly better, the recession is over and will never return, and we can all look forward to nothing but boom times and delicious cupcakes from now on.

Yeah, right.



  1. CF, I've heard of these places. Do they really exist?

    Are they haunted by the fashionistas, as I have been told?

  2. Thank you kindly for giving me my 'You're taking the fucking piss' moment for today..

    Pink champagne my arrse.

  3. Enlarging the picture the seats look a bit like these things

  4. Oh, it's the latest ludicrous import from the Yoonited States, isn't it? Cupfuckingcakes.

    Everyone knows cornflake cakes are much better.

  5. Captain Haddock25 March 2010 at 17:35

    "Let them eat Cupcakes" ..

  6. Yo Red man..

    Sounds delightful...

    However I would have to smuggle in a bottle of Theakstons to wash down the cup cake and bubbly,

    and a greggs pasty!...

  7. Are you sure it's a real shop, and not a fake??

  8. Captain Haddock25 March 2010 at 20:02

    Coming soon to a High Street near you .. along with the Nail Bars, Tanning Salons & "Pound" Shops ..

    Real businesses are going under at an alarming rate .. whilst useless, poncy dumps like this spring up ..

    Typical Socialist thinking ..

  9. Captain Haddock25 March 2010 at 20:33

    Killemall .. I reckon you'd have to be queer, plain daft or on an MP's salary & exes to fork out £2.00 for a bloody bun .. and then swig it down with Pink fucking Champagne ..

  10. There have always been arseholes prepared to max out their credit cards trying to look good buying expensive tat !!!

    They deserve to be fleeced.

    I intend hanging around this place in order to offer these fuckwits some expensive bollox and make my fortune.

  11. Captain Haddock25 March 2010 at 20:57

    Quelle surprise ...

    Lord Mangledbum himself & offering to sell his expensive bollocks ...

    And believe it or not .. there are twats daft enough and bent enough to buy 'em too ..
