Monday, 22 March 2010

Sam Cam: saucy pics work almost immediately.

Often when a marriage has run on for a while, and things are calming down in the marital bed, the lady produces some saucy snaps to revive the gentleman's jaded interest.

Clearly, when SamCam showed her recently revealed snaps to CallMeDave, there was a sharp intake of breath, and then the air was filled with whirling underwear. Ewwww.

And sure enough, according to Sky news:

"Conservative leader David Cameron and his wife Samantha are expecting a baby, due in September.

A Conservative Party spokesman said: "The baby is due in September and David and Samantha are completely thrilled"

It's a certain fucking bet that poor Sarah Broon is currently weeping uncontrollably, her hands trembling as she desperately stacks chair after chair against the bedroom door, the thumping from outside getting louder and louder...



  1. I always thought that the Brown pregnancy involved a cabinet Bukake session and a turkey baster but then I did beleive Mandelson and Levy as to the sexual preference of Brown.....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sarah is safe.
    A quick call to the speaker and low and behold "Sally the Alley" Bercow steps up to the plate.
    She will do whatever is needed !!!

  4. Now she knows how the rest of us electorate feels.

    Completely f@cked.

  5. Yo Red Man,

    I like the way she`s holding her pussy!.

    I`ll get my coat!.

  6. Where are the saucy pics of Sarah Broon, then? :o)

  7. Oh FFS, all this family positioning in politics these days ... it's getting like football on FA Cup day.

  8. Captain Haddock22 March 2010 at 18:57

    I quite agree Dick .. who gives a flying fuck what Sam Cameron, Sarah Brown or any other Politician's other half either does, or is doing ?

    They all start out by earnestly promising not to involve their families .. then, when it becomes expedient, they renege totally & have convenient memory lapses ..

    Now .. if we were offered a photo of Cameron actually making & clearly stating policy .. that would be worthy of notice ..

  9. Im not all that impressed with photos of Sam Cameron almost showing her knickers. I dont care that she is pregnant either( though Im sure they are delighted) . However I do care that the country is fucked and controlled by a corrupt Government no matter what colour her knickers are !!!.

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