Sunday, 28 March 2010

Scenting weakness? It stinks

David 'CallMeDave' Cameron wants to remind us that Labour governments are traditionally piss-poor and rotten when it comes to dealing with rampant Trades Unions.

"I think the unions have scented weakness in the government and that's one of the reasons why we're seeing quite so many strikes"

As ever, Brown and his minders have a standard catch-phrase to trot out.

Apparently, according to them, Gordo' has been 'doing everything he could to get staff back to work' in the current British Airways / Unite spat.

Which is utter, abject, arrant bollocks.

How do we know this? Well, for one thing, we all know that the Labour party is Unite's cowering, timid bitch. Unite pay for everything, and as sugar daddy, they own Labour's ass.

If Unite want a strike, there'll be a strike, and no-one in the Labour party - particularly not 'Courage' Brown - is going to say 'no' to their paymasters.

Secondly, one of the very, very few things that Broon is good at is boasting; showboating; claiming credit for anything going.

So you can bet yo' sweet ass that if Broon had done 'everything' - in fact, if he'd done anything - we'd all have been force-fed chapter and fucking verse about what a great job he'd done. Together with the standard add-on, that the Honourable Gentlemen opposite - jabs finger at Cameron - would have done nothing at all.

We haven't, so we know he hasn't.



  1. Apparently, according to them, Gordo' has been 'doing everything he could to get staff back to work' in the current British Airways / Unite spat.

    They might be right... What if doing nothing WAS 'everything he could do'?

    After all it IS Gordon Brown we are talking about...

  2. Are you Ashamed of yourself?

    Nahhhh... me neither. She's even removed her blog... after one fucking evening.

    I can just imagine Kerry McCarthy on Twitter right now, giving her a pep talk on those nasty, evil Libertarians, that ought to be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

    Ho Hum....

    But if you blog for New Labour your gonna get twatted.....

