Saturday, 13 March 2010

Who was bullshitting?

A little quiz for you. Who said, in the final hours of that infamous 1992 election, which Labour confidently expected to win, the following:

"The Conservatives have lost their overall majority, they’ve got no mandate to govern. In fact it looks as if there’s been a bigger swing to Labour than in any election since 1966, and that we’re going to win a substantial number of seats ...

... it looks as if they’ve done extremely badly, it looks as if there’s a big swing to Labour. One thing that is clear is that at the end of this evening, the Conservatives will have no mandate to govern. They’ve lost the election."

Clearly, a lot of utter bollocks, as everybody apart from this person knew. A couple of hours later, the Tories .. err ... kept their mandate.

Whoever spouted all of that 'extremely badly' nonsense was either terminally misinformed, or desperately fibbing.

But who was it?

Here's a clue: it's someone to whom lies and exaggerations come easily.

It's someone who can trot out the most enormous fucking lie, without so much as blinking.

A person who often uses the phrase 'One thing that is clear is..' just before stating something wildly inaccurate or just plain wrong.

Someone who lies so often, and even when not deliberately lying is pathetically attempting to mislead, that he doesn't even know he's doing it any more.

Someone who hates, loathes and detests those eeevil Tories so much, that he believes that if repeats a lie about them often enough, and with enough conviction, that it will become true.

Here's a bigger clue. Watch this ...

Yeah, you guessed, didn't you? It's good old Gordo'. The lyingest, fibbingest MP that ever there was.

Wonder if he'll be doing the same again in a few weeks time?

(Tip of the hat to Tory Landlord for that priceless video: well found, that man!)


  1. I knew that one. Posted the video a while back. Jings CF, I seldom get the right answer to your questions. Do I get a prize?

  2. Oops. I'd never seen it before myself (but my excuse is that I've not yet had my 1st birthday)

    And, yes, you get a prize. If you close your eyes and hold out your hand, Obnoxio the Clown will put something into your hand. ;-)

  3. Yes - that fish he's been pleasuring himself with, on the occasion of his birthday.....

  4. One thing that is clear is that he cannot speak without lying.

  5. Is it just me or does Gorgon not sound as Scottish then as he does now ?

    He's obviously a multilingual lying cunt.

  6. Ok heres the inside dope. Brown is a cultist, a follower of a cult which believes in majik. ie say something often and it will be so. He practices this Majik in theory and in practice all the time. Just speak it and it will be so.

  7. Ta for the hat-tip, CF. Consider yourself added to my blogroll - which, based on the amount of traffic I get, should get you at least one extra hit a year.
