Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Easy money?

New political betting website Smarkets is offering all sorts of bets in the run-up to what must be one of the most exciting General Elections we'll have in the UK this year.

They're offering odds on many outcomes, including who will be the next home secretary.

Based upon what CF said yesterday, regarding master manipulator Broon shoving the boy Clegg into the Home Office to get rid of him, this looks like a pretty good bet:

Yes, Nick Clegg at 3 to 1 to become the next home secretary. Less likely than Hattie? Yeah, right.

Well, from here it looks like that Labour will - thanks to the X-factor debating series - have the upper hand in a hung parliament.

And you can depend upon Broon to do whatever it takes to keep him in the driving seat, and to silence any opposition.

So, CF likes those odds.


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