Monday, 26 April 2010

Gove gets the Humph'

What the fuck does Michael Gove eat for breakfast? Whatever is, CF would like a bowl of it: the eevil Tory was on sparkling form this morning.

It's not many politicians who can get the better of the Today programme's John Humphrys, but Gove managed to hand him his arse on a plate in just ten minutes today.

Gove had been got out of bed early to discuss the words of Paul Carter, a Tory council leader who had apparently criticised the party's policy on education.

Gove took the wind out of Humph's sails straight away, by revealing that he'd spoken with Carter already. "What, since we spoke with him?" asked Humphrys, outraged to have his scoop scooped. Oh yes.

Humph' was then further unbalanced by the inevitable, should-have-been-forseen claim that Carter's words had been taken "out of context" and that - of course - he actually completely supported the Tory policy.

But don't worry, added Gove, phasers set to 'patronize', it's "..understandable at election time that the BBC would be keen to create a story like this". "Create?" spluttered Humph', but Gove had moved on.

Humphrys stepped up a gear, and began to throw in some tougher questions. Gove swatted them away, pointing out that Johnny was merely repeating Labour smears: "You're better than that, John" he added. Shame it wasn't televison: we couldn't actually see Johnny going puce with rage, but he surely was.

As Humph' got madder and madder, Gove continued, banging out the soundbites, pouring scorn on Labour and ploughing through the endless attempted interruptions.

When Humph' finally got another question in, Gove calmly dismissed it as "..your elegant argument..", then dodged it anyway

As Gove continued, Humph' sulkily pointed out that this was "..not a party election broadcast".

No, agreed Gove, it's an interview where I tell you about Tory thinking.

"We'll you've had ten minutes for that" pouted Johnny petulantly.

"Most of which has been taken up with you asking me questions" replied Gove, smoothly.

"Well, we'll change the system" said Humph' sarcastically

"No, we'll change the system.." replied Gove, going on to deliver the remainder of his set text, with Humphrys reduced to spluttering impotently in the background.

So rattled was the nation's favourite interrupter that he could barely managed to bring the interview to a close. He just could not stop Gove, who must be very pleased with his ten minutes' work today.

If (and it is if) Humph' allows the BBC to put the interview online, CF will update with the link.

Most excellent listening.

++ Update ++    Hat-tip to commenter 'enslaver' who reckons you can listen here.


  1. wish I'd heard it. Do tweet it they post it.

  2. Heard it. Wish I was that sharp in debate.

  3. Heard it. "Hand him his arse on a plate" pretty much sums it up.

    I am a big fan of Humph - Gove did the job neatly on Humph's own turf, and at his own game too.

    Excellent. I chuckled.

    It was 0710 to 0720 I believe, probably on the listen again?

  4. Excellent. I especially like the "No, we'll change the system" response. Sooner the better.

    Gove should give lessons to the other senior Tories. After years of sneering lefty propaganda pouring out of the Today prog it would be nice to see/hear Humph getting slapped about on a regular basis!!


  6. Gove was good! Considerably better than some of his dire Newsnight appearances of late. Shame the Tory education policy sucks almost as much monkey chuff as the Labour one does though. It'll be disastrous.

  7. scrap the lefty BBC coke sniffers26 April 2010 at 11:13

    Gove did well against blatant BBC hatred of the Tories.
    I think the Tories would get another 5% onto their poll rating if they promised to abolish the BBC and it's £145 tv tax (with threat of prison for non payment.)
    Like Ed 'mobile'Ballsup "we're all on the database now"
    At least the Tories have decided to finally fight them over their pro Labour bias.
    The beeb have a blanket ban on the SNP in Scotland and have stopped putting their broadcasts onto iplayer since the SNP decided to take them to court over discrimination.

  8. Astonishing interview!

    Borrowed and linked.

  9. Gove intellectually is no slouch and talks well and knowledgeably on many subjects. That I fear is lacking in Cameron who is all shine on the outside but a bit dim on the inside.

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