Thursday, 8 April 2010

Malcolm McLaren: dead

Dead? For fucks sake.

 A man without whom we would never have known the pantomime-style names Sid Vicious or Johnny Rotten; never heard the visceral opening riffs of 'Anarchy in the UK'; never jumped up and down, in the flickering light of a cheap strobe, until we felt both sick and ecstatic.

His website says 'Malcolm will return shortly', but, somehow, that doesn't seem very likely.

Cheers, Malc...


  1. Captain Haddock8 April 2010 at 20:04

    Yeah, and ??????

  2. T'was the big C I Believe.

  3. BBC says he had cancer - didn't hear that myself but then not everyone wants their personal life splashed across the headlines.

    RIP Maclolm.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am who I am because I saw the pistols aged 14.

    I'd LOVE to finish the job they started

  6. heard one of theirs just the other day. Made me so sad. where is 'fuck the establishment' now? God - who would have thought that in 2010 I'd be looking back to the 70s as an era of freedom and LIFE? We have gone backwards not forwards.

    Gah. I must be getting old, or something.

  7. It was a vicious type of cancer, which was rotten luck.
