Friday, 23 April 2010

A message from Scotland

The Deep-frying Scotsman, Rantin' Rab, wrote this piece - from a Scot to the English - some time ago, but as he says, St George's Day is a good day to revisit it.

Get yersel' over and read the whole piece - it's excellent. The highlights:

"..there aren't any 'no go' areas for the indigenous population up here, immigration is not a huge deal and our councils don't really spy on us. We have no 'plastic plod',.. and it is illegal for cars to be clamped.

"Our health care seems to be far ahead of England, as is our care of the elderly. Free prescriptions for everyone is just around the corner, Wales and Northern Ireland have similar free prescription schemes. Further education is free at the point of use, ... My council tax bill has not risen for the third year in a row.

"In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland our flags fly free and proud. The saltire can be found fluttering from flag poles at schools, public and private buildings up and down the land. No one would dream of ordering it to be taken down. No one would associate it with any terms ending in 'ist' or 'phobe'. In England it's a different story.

"What happened to you lot? Why have you let this happen? Why aren't you out rioting in the streets?

"As an 'outsider' looking towards England, I see a country that is ashamed of itself for no good reason whatsoever. A country that has no identifiable culture, or to be accurate, a culture that has been swept under the rug and ignored. All other cultures and practices are tolerated and celebrated.

"I see a country that is being screwed into the ground, bled dry. Parasites from all over the world flock to it to share in the feast. England's colonial past and proud history are not taught in the schools. Children are taught to be ashamed of the past, embarrassed to be English.

"But, who allowed this to happen? Who allowed the erosion of freedom and liberty, the petty rules to creep in, the rise of the socialist utopia experiment that has back fired spectacularly.."

"Who allowed the little hitlers to control your lives? Who allowed them to brand your country's flag as a racist banner? Who allowed it all to go horribly wrong?

"You did. The English."

"Grow a set of balls and do something about it. For all our sakes."

Well said, you caber-tossin', haggis-munching porridge-wog, well said.



  1. "Porridge-wog"

    Bastard. Another keyboard ruined.

  2. Aye that was a good one from Rab. LegIron's giving a similar message and saved me from having to write my thoughts. This link business has it's uses. :)

    Happy St George's Day!

  3. He's slightly out of date - we DO have plastic plods in Scotland now.

    But apart from that - and it isn't really the point of his rant anyway - well said Rab.

  4. It never ceases to amaze me how the english have had a scottish PM and chancellor 13 years (Blair is scottish remember), yet the chances of the scots electing an english PM are equal to the chances of Gordon Brown winning a beauty contest.

  5. As a friend of mine so delicately put it : "It's all fucked up and nobody is interested"

  6. Some Scotty bloke wrote,

    "I see a country that is being screwed into the ground, bled dry. Parasites from all over the world flock to it to share in the feast. England's colonial past and proud history are not taught in the schools. Children are taught to be ashamed of the past, embarrassed to be English"

    What utter cock waffle,screwed into the ground,er 4th richest country in the world anyone!,parasites!yeah but most of em are indigenous parasites,history,well how much can you pack into two lessons a week,further education helps,ashamed?,embarrassed?,fuck off!all the English lads I know are bursting with pride being English and wouldnt want to be anything else...apart from a Zulu.

    Happy St Georgy day...;-)
