Just take a good, long look at this picture:
There he is, the man that not a single voter chose to be Prime Minister, shouting, blustering, peddling his usual mix of tedious tractor stats and outright fucking lies.
As the mindless Labour sycophants whoop and gibbber behind him, Broon is finally managing to deploy the two words that his spinners have told him he must use whenever he speaks in the House, no matter what the topic - 'Lord' and 'Ashcroft'.
Doesn't that pathetic, desperate little piece of negative spin sum up the man, the party and their entire negative, futile campaign to cling to power?
However, let's be positive here. There is an upside, a light at the end of a thirteen year tunnel
Yes, this is a picture which - unless something goes horribly, horribly wrong in the next 4 weeks - you will never have to see again.
CF remains a floater, and he doesn't really care who's standing there in a few weeks time - as long as it's not Broon.
Now, let your shoulders relax, and give a long, deep sigh of relief.
It's the beginning of the end...
Thanks. I feel much better now!
ReplyDeleteOh FFS ! He now wants a Democracy Day ! Banana republic or what !
ReplyDeleteIf you nver want to see that drooping gob again and you care about this country stop floating and start peddling Tory. For fucks sake get off the fence.
ReplyDeleteFloater? What happened to vote iDave and anyone who doesn't is a moron? Eh?
ReplyDeleteIf you want Brown out there is only one way you can vote - sa - but true.
ReplyDeleteI'll be holding my nose - but I'll still be voting Tory.
His immigration "stats" were pure and simple lies.
ReplyDeleteHis military funding "stats" were pure and simple lies.
His economic "stats" were pure and simple lies.
Still, in his last PMQs we all had a laugh at the "Liar that answers no question" in Guido's Live Chat - highlights of the funnies here
Anonymous Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIf you want Brown out there is only one way you can vote - sa - but true.
I'll be holding my nose - but I'll still be voting Tory.
7 April 2010 14:31
True, Brown represents a national emergency. The priority must be to throw him out!! I will be voting Tory. I just couldn't stand to see Brown's gurning victory grin on May 7th.
Brown lies about everything. I am very sorry UKIP (no BNP where I live and wouldnt vote for them anyway), as much as I applaud your stand on the EU, you really are not going to get anywhere (maybe Farage). So the best way to get rid of the PMentalist is to vote Tory. You never know, once Cam becomes PM he may shed his social democrat coat and become a real conservative; tell the EU to fuck off and we are leaving; forget about investing billions in wind turbines; and....oh well, there is hope I suppose.
ReplyDeletePS: I will be voting Tory. I want to know why Brown is having a class war. I was brought up on a sink estate and most of his ministers went to a fee-paying school. What's all that about you fucking lunatic socialist twat.
ReplyDeleteCleegs gone mental , hes now saying parliament is secret conspiracy who whoooo .
ReplyDeleteThe feeling that the ruin has crapped on us all is widespread , but let us not forget his party have continually backed him and are marxist nutters .Lib dems are just oppertunist euro socialists that play labours hedgemoney game .
Parliament has become corrupt and to hear the ruin spouting on about a change to elected socialism was a further fraud . The system just needs to run properly . Having corrupted it with cleient corproatist marxism he now says he wants to ban lobbying , lying all the way to may 6th .
I cant wait and should god wish to punish us by allowing him another 5 years , then i will join the tea party and pick up my pitch fork , lying fraudsters have to go and us out of the EU octopus !
Oh well... I used to really enjoy Innocent smoothies, but having just seen them glad-handing the gormless gurning twat, I guess I've bought my last one. What a shame.
ReplyDeleteWhat absolute bollocks!
ReplyDeleteThe Tories win, we get more of the same. Labour win, the same, Lib Dems get anywhere, same.
What's the difference? You think Cameron will be very much different?
Goodness me, I thought more of you CF, and that wasn't from a very high standing point.
"I will be voting Tory. I want to know why Brown is having a class war. I was brought up on a sink estate and most of his ministers went to a fee-paying school. What's all that about you fucking lunatic socialist twat"
ReplyDeleteIts all about Socialists having a reason to exist .. if they didn't keep the "class war" pot bubbling, there would be no need for them ...
Instead of a "working class" we now have an idle, feckless, benefit-dependent class .. But just look outside any "Dole Hole" in the country & you'll see them there .. they can all afford to smoke, they can all afford to be on their mobile phones, they can all afford to be wearing the latest trainers ..
Because what the "old king cole" doesn't pay for .. thieving will .. and they know Labour won't touch them for it ..
Oh, I don't know. He said no more boom and bust - so he's half right there.