Sunday, 23 May 2010

Change of pace

Ah, what a grand day. Top tip: if you live within an hour or so of a seaside resort - Old Hunstanton in CF's case - get out of bed good 'n' early on a Sunday, and race up there while the roads are quiet.

CF left Cambridge at 7:15, and was paddling in the warm shallows, while the dogs chased seagulls across an empty beach, by just after 8:30.

By the time the nasty grockles were turning up and were getting on with inflating various florescent monstrosities for their chronically overweight, terminally spoiled and endlessly grizzling children, CF and family were enjoying pre-made bacon butties and a thermos of tea, fuelling up for the trip home.

Driving away from a seaside resort is a huge pleasure when you're heading in exactly the opposite direction to a huge, hours-long queue of frustrated would-be beach goers. Ahahahahaha!

So, no politics, no fury, and only one use of the phrase 'for fuck's sake' (and we're past that now).

Normal service will be resumed tomorrow..



  1. Glad you had a nice day CF - I spent the entire weekend in between doing some gardening, long cycle rides along the canal with a bottle of Pinot Grigio and a good book which was quite nice and managed to get myself quite a suntan.

    A couple of beers with the neighbours, chatting to a neighbours friend who wanted to park his black Ferrari F430 somewhere, so I suggested my driveway alongside my TVR Tuscan.

    Finished off the evening with some nice salt marsh lamb BBQ'd instead of oven roasted - ah, fantastic weekend and hope more of them.

    Have a funny story about beaches - went to West Wittering (like you, early bird to avoid the nightmare) and lunchtime when the screaming kids, inflatable tethered barage balloons, tatoo freak shows and BBQ's started appearing we made tracks to go. But then something wonderful happened: an entire Indian family descended on the beach right in front of us and began to construct this enormous tent (removing the delightful sea view, might I add). At one point I wondered when they would start inflating the spinnerets it was so huge.

    This was taking over an hour with lots of heated instructions being shouted across to family members who were all over this massive Bedouin tent with poles, ropes and plenty shouting.

    Of course, what was so obvious to anyone that has been to West Wittering beach is that it has a fast incoming tide and no sooner had they constructed this monstrosity, they were frantically removing it as they waves lapped around their ankles.

    Never laughed so much in my life as I drove back up the A3...

  2. Took elderly parents to Hunstanton on Wednesday to do some bird watching - the Fulmars which nest on the cliffs. It's not too busy at this time of year even during the day, but give it a month and it will be overrun by the hordes....

    The cafe by the coastguard lookout is quite decent if you want something to eat.

    And just down the road is Burnham Windmill, which houses a wonderful bakery, and offers amazing views if you climb the tower.
