Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Commuter rebellion

The normally dull commute in London King's Cross this morning was marginally enlivened by the appearance of Harry Potter's choice of commute, the Hogwart's express.

Now, other than a slighty unhealthy interest in Hermoine Grainger, CF normally has little time for JK Rowling's multi-billion pound merchandising empire, especially since the silly bitch gave a million quid of our kids' pocket money to the Labour party.

So he did not join the throng gawping and snapping away with their camera 'phones. Initially.

However, within seconds, two station employees had turned up, pushing commuters down the platform, slapping ineffectually at camera 'phones and shouting commands. "No photography is permitted", "Stop taking photographs", "Photograph is forbidden here". A couple of PCSO's began to trot up the platform, presumably to arrest anyone daring to get a snapshot to show their kids.

So what was CF to do?

Here, for your delectation, are a couple of very-much-unofficial, possibly illegally obtained, and slight blurred photo's of the Hogwart's Express:


Be careful when you look at them: you might be aiding and abetting the breaking of several laws...



  1. Why arrange something (for publicity?) and NOT allow photographs..?

  2. Presumably they thought we were muggle terrorists...

  3. Taking photographs at railway stations is not illegal.

    "Taking photographs on stations is permitted providing it is for personal use."


    (Mrs R)

  4. Oh, sigh. Can't stand Harry Potter. Hardy Boys with wands and 700 extra fucking pages.

  5. Well done.
    Hermoine Grainger? You dirty bastard *wink*

  6. Maybe they thought it would arrive hidden under a Cloak Of Invisibility and the muggles (sorry passengers) wouldnt see it?
