Friday, 7 May 2010

00:15am : The ever-so complex 10pm rules

Look, this shit is not hard. Really:

Are we so fucked as a nation that we can't even follow through, fairly and fully, a process that is completely described in 5 fucking sentences?

Is everyone so stupid that we can't ... oh fuck it, of course we are.

(tip of the Hat to Malcolm Coles, via Twitter)


  1. Well, after 13 years of handholding and spoonfeeding ......

  2. So is the plan to bundle in as many people as possible at 21:59, and hand out ballot papers, then lock them in.

  3. Can we not call in some election monitors from Somalia or Kyrgyzstan? Oh, and those purple ink pots, we gotta have some of them too... and guns, lots of heavily armed thugs outside each polling station.

    And why the hell are so many people turning up to vote so late anyway? Fair enough, not everyone can get there early but I'll wager many of them could have done. Sure it was busier than last time but that's only another reason you shouldn't have left it till the last minute (or hour even).

  4. Yeah well, what have the idle fuckers been doing all day that they have to leave it until quarter to ten to nip to the polling station?
