Saturday, 15 May 2010

God bless 'merica, wherever that is

Awwww. Aren't those Americans sweeeet? Living in such a great big important country, you can get whatever you want, without having to go abroad, but with fries.

So why would you need to know Geee-o-graphy? No need at all, really. Which leads to this:

At first glance, if you knew only slightly more about the geography than the average American appears to, you might think "Ha! Those fools, they've labelled a whole continent as South Africa". And you'd be right.

However, a three second burst of closer observation reveals that not only have they hilariously mixed up continents and countries, but they've not even got the right fucking continent.

Rather than the continent where their own dear President was supposedly born, these muppets have labelled as 'South Africa' another continent. One which admittedly has a vaguely similar shape, but is in fact, their neighbour to the south: South America.

Superpower? For fuck's sake.



  1. Not wishing to hair split CF but I think Mr Obummer might not like it to be known he might have been born in "Africa" since he is said to have been born in Hawaii.

  2. Captain Haddock15 May 2010 at 20:59

    Jesus H Christ .. and these numpties are entrusted with Nuclear weapons ?

    Shit shoots .. they could be aiming for South Africa & end up hitting Southend (not that that would be any great loss) but I'm sure you get the picture ..

  3. Nivens Law - Never throw shit at a man with a gun.

    Corollary - Never stand next to someone throwing shit at a man with a gun.

  4. Nice bit of student anti-Americanism there, dick features. Well done.


  5. CF, I usually like your blog but this is crap. Just because some muppet in a back room makes a mistake, it doesn't mean ALL Americans were involved.
    You're off my favourtites list, wanker.

  6. Yeah CF your a wanker, please renew my subscription immediately !!

  7. American geography knowledge is poor, there is a clip floating about of Obama referring to "Countries like Europe", probably due to only 10% of them owning a passport (allegedly).

    Why do American news stations employ people with the worst nasal whiney voices? I frequently meet real Americans and none of them sound like that.

  8. Captain Haddock16 May 2010 at 10:21

    Here you go Banned ...

    Link to said clip ...

  9. Captain Haddock16 May 2010 at 11:20

    J Demetriou said...

    "Nice bit of student anti-Americanism there, dick features. Well done".

    As my late Dad once told me .. "During the last war, when the Luftwaffe bombed, we ducked" .. "When the RAF bombed, the Krauts ducked" .. "And when the Yanks bombed .. every bugger ducked" ..

    Not a lot has changed really ..

  10. *snigger* - and linked!

    Oh, and 'Rigbys' who live in America have to explain that Paris, France, was there first, and it's in France - which is a country. And no, they don't know anybody who lives there.
