Gordon Brown is probably having the worst time of his life right now. Rejected by millions, humiliated by the electorate. The man's not happy.
And now, according to the rumour flying around the Twittersphere, Gordo' has "left Downing Street and is headed for Scotland".
What the fuck? Why now? We're all told endlessly by apologists that he's only staying as PM because it's his 'constitutional' (though we don't have a constitution) duty. That he's sitting in Downing Street because we need him there, for 'stability', to 'secure the nation'.
So why is Macavity McBroon leaving us, doing a runner? Why head to the hills - literally - in the middle of this hung parliament crisis? He'd normally be fighting for his political life, fighting for his and his party's survival. Using every dirty trick and every immoral spin in the book.
We all recall how, a few months ago, the rumours said he was on increasingly heavy medication, just to keep him going. And that was just to get him through PMQ's, and the odd television interview.
Imagine the strain the campaign put on him. Imagine the stress of seeing everything he'd fought for, the enormous edifice of lies, crumbling. Imagine knowing that the public haven't, after all, bought into him and his vision.
Surely, no medication in the world could keep him going through all that.
First we hear a rumour that Broon has been yelling down the phone at his only possible saviour, Nick Clegg. Now we here he's fleeing London, heading away to his homeland, at the least likely time.
Has Gordon Brown been led away from Westminster, to peace and quiet, following some kind of breakdown?
You wouldn't be surprised, would you?
Oh I do hope so....
ReplyDeleteI hope it was in a white coat with the sleeves tied at the back.
ReplyDeletelast seen naked, running into a loch.... a pile of clothes on the shore, topped with a single gleaming eye.
ReplyDeletehe's only staying as PM because it's his 'constitutional' duty..... because we need him there, for 'stability', to 'secure the nation'.
ReplyDeleteOf course, as usual, The Gothic Loony tells us what we need. We cannot decide for ourselves.
Listen pal, thanks for the concern for our welfare and all that, but you can go back to Scotland now.
Morrisons in Glenrothes have a vacancy for a trolley pushers job.
ReplyDeleteHe's applied.
If it's true it's no surprise. Has to 'step down' as PM for medical reasons, open door for a leadership contest. And in the interim Harperson takes over, and lets Miliband and Mandelson do the deals.
ReplyDeleteOh to be a fly on the wall?You can just imagine miliwank,mandelson,hain,balls sharpening their daggers ready to plunge them into McGloom.The bunker has may have been his fortress but now it is his tomb.
ReplyDeleteAye it's strange right enough. He never comes here unless he wants something. Wonder what it is...
ReplyDeleteNo I think whats happening here is that Gordons advisors have advised that he physically at least remove himself from Downing Street as his presence within is not good on the PR front. He has agreed to this as it does not affect his "presence" in office which is what really matters.
ReplyDeleteScotland my arse, Gordon has gone the way of all those who live the unreal life of Prime Minister but refuse to stick to the script.
ReplyDeleteThe Gordon Show
He will have to be carried out kicking and screaming. Could he have gone to Scotland to begin the process of stiching together a "rainbow" coalition in order to begin stitching us up again?
ReplyDeleteCall me cynical, but between the happy faces from the Labour hierarchy on Friday, long before they got the number of seats they did, Jaqui Smith smiling and winking while her defeat was being announced and now Brown's reputed telephone rant at Clegg, I think the chances of a Lab/Lib coalition was always a non-starter. They are going to kill 2 birds with one stone, Con/Lib in charge and both ruined for generations (if not ever) due to the pain they will have to inflict on the Country.
ReplyDeleteGloat now, but I fear that there is a bigger game afoot.
I think you're right Anon. Con/Lib Government take harsh action, electorate hate their guts for it & vote Labour at next election and Labour, albeit with a new Leader, can then carry on where they left off - making a total arse of things. What a depressing prospect.
ReplyDeleteSpotted earlier and linked.
ReplyDelete"- there is a bigger game afoot -"
Indeed there is.
Will he not have gone to arrange some sort of agreement with Alex Salmond who whilst wanting independence for Scotland is more than happy to have a big say in how the English are governed. The cheeky git.
ReplyDeleteYou can see it now-Haggis the movie,with the sas storming no10 and gordo with his ak47 holed up screaming"i agree with nick".
ReplyDeleteOch sarah here we are in bonny scotland mission accomplished iv fucked the sassenachs for generations to come,happy days.
ReplyDeleteI thought, standing on the steps of No.10 last night, that he looked a broken man inside. Maybe a 'dignified' resignation announcement, outside his home in a labour heartland is in the offing. The inevitable historic image created infront of the iconic door is probably more han he can bear or would want to give away...
ReplyDeleteMuch as I want to see the back of Brown I also perversly want to see him hang on for as long as possible.
ReplyDeleteI want him squirming and clutching at straws, dreaming as Hitler did in his bunker of non-existent armies coming to his rescue; nightmares keeping him awake as he thinks his nightmare is only a bad dream and all will be well in the morning only to wake and realise the horror continues - OUT!
No I don't want Gordon out for a few days yet. I want his exit to have not a shred of dignity. I want him to go cursing and swearing, ranting and raving. Lets see him ejected like some cheap drunkard with all the world watching. I want to see the horror etched on his face!
Fuck you Gordon Brown - the most evil man ever to disgrace the Houses of Parliament. A vile traitor if ever there was one.
pnignostic, McDoom doesn't "do" dignified. He'll have to be scraped off Downing Street walls. Fumigation would also be recommended.
ReplyDelete@ paulo -
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on desiring Broon to have the most public undignified and unpleasant exit from Downing Street of any deposed PM.
I can never forgive NuLabor for what they have done to this country.
Fausty, I agree, hence the apostrophes, maybe I could have worded it better. He couldn't pull off such a thing. Going back to Scotland just had the look of a cowardly, wounded and dying creature, crawling into it's dark, dank, snotty cave. His innate Macavity instinct and politicians sense of self-preservation-above-all-else in avoiding any public admission of failure was self evident.
ReplyDelete(and yes I have been to and through Fife many times and it is a dark, dank snotty cave of a place - at least in the towns, the countryside is quite pleasant, not so many people).