Saturday, 1 May 2010

A little prayer

Here at the Church of the Furious, supplicants frequently request prayers; here's the latest:

"Dear Lord

I know that I haven't talked to you much, but this past year you have taken away my favourite actor Patrick Swayze, my favorite singer Michael Jackson and my favourite football manager Bobby Robson. 

I just wanted you to know that my favourite prime minister is Gordon Brown.


(tip of the hat to AK, via email)


  1. CF,a little harsh on our glorious Fuhrer dont you think after all he has done for every last one of us?Imagine McGlooms face as the grim reaper comes for him-no cheesy,two faced grins now you tartan cockwipe.

  2. CF,a little harsh on our glorious Reich dont you think after all they have done for every last one of us?Imagine Mandlesons face as the grim reaper comes for him-no cheesy,"I'm a fighter not a Quitter" now you English cockwipe.

  3. Well, I don't want him to be Prime Minister any more, but I don't mind if he enjoys a quiet retirement - alive.
