Just watch this video. A perfectly normal looking guy - not a wild-eyed nutter, or a violent drunk - dares to heckle our glorious leader during one of his interminable droning speeches.
Brown completely ignores him, and continues to woodenly trot out sound-bites and tractor statistics.
The heckler is grabbed by both arms and physically dragged from the room, while Brown continues, ending to ecstatic applause from activists.
How the fuck did we come to this? What the fuck is this, a dictatorship? Is dissent no longer tolerated by the Leader?
How the fuck have we let him stay in power so long?
(tip of the hat to Guido)
And here is a good summary of why he should be locked up or hung!
I hope he's in for a very, very unwelcome surprise on May 6th. That's the day he CAN'T shut us up...
ReplyDelete" Is dissent no longer tolerated by the Leader ? "
ReplyDeleteUmmm - dumb question ! - when did he EVER tolerate it ? ...
Different camera angle over at mines.
ReplyDeleteThe last throes of a desperate dying regime. Unclear if the Brownshirts assaulting the heckler are party hacks or jackbooted police. Whatever the case, they are legitimate targets for self defence or direct action and should be named and shamed, although we should have some semblance of democracy restored next week.
ReplyDeleteThe Heckler is actually a Dean of a university.
ReplyDeleteDo you not recall the first arrest under NuLabour's terror legislation? An octogenarian activist who dared to heckle Blair at the party conference. He's just carrying on the glorious tradition of jackbootism and vote betrayal.
ReplyDelete... not that iDave is planning to reverse any of that authoritarian legislation.
I realise that I must be getting right up your nose by now, CF, but you're going to be so sorry you voted Tory. Just like all the poor saps - me included - who said "anything's better than this" and voted NuLabour in 1997.
It's simple to understand really - your average voter either (a)doesn't give a shit, (b)isn't very bright, or (c)both of the above.
ReplyDeleteSad, but true