Please, please explain

This for-the-want-of-a-better-word cartoon appears in today's Guardian.

Unfortunately, CF is a little hungover this morning (drunken dinner with a confused Lib Dem PPC, an eeevil Banker and a millionaire property developer - but that's another story) and clearly the old brain cells are firing slowly.

Could somebody please, please explain - in less than one hundred words - exactly what the flying fuck the cartoonist is on about?

It's like looking at one of those 19th century cartoons from a GCSE History textbook.

What is the point he's trying to make? Is this funny? What the fuck?



patently said...

I *think* that he's saying that just because The Grauniad always said that global warming must have been true because the debate was over and the consensus was complete, now that it seems that the consensus was fabricated and the debate is not over doesn't mean that global warming is not happening or that we shouldn't adopt a socialist mud-hut existence. Therefore, all those who challenge the theory must be mad and should be ignored. Because the debate is over and the consensus is complete.

There you go... And less than 100 words.

Costello said...

It's saying anyone who questions the veracity of claims made by politicians and scientists who have made careers out of pushing apocalyptic visions of AGW leading to disaster is basically equivalent to David Icke.

Anonymous said...

The cartoonist is Martin Rowson, appointed cartoon laureate for London by Ken Livingstone when Ken was Mayor. He specialises in Hogarth or Gillray pastiches and here he is wickedly and coruscatingly satirising the "flat-earthers" and "climate saboteurs" by portraying them as having their heads in the sand. Literally! I mean , how clever is that!
I am surprised he has not had a Knighthood by now, or at least an "Order of the Brown Nose" as Private Eye used to say.

increasinglymiffed said...


JuliaM said...

Just tell some rabid Muslims that it's REALLY a dig at the haj, and it'll be fatwa-city, baby! ;)

Norton Folgate said...

Basically, if you don't agree with the Gruaniad and suck the cock of AGW you are an idiot.

Mark Wadsworth said...

You don't think that they are going to give up without a hell of a fight, do you? They're not just going to roll over and say "fair cop". If you think this is dirty, it's going to get a whole lot worse.

mungle said...

The cartoonist was probably out on the streets of London today along with the wooly hatted eco warriors demading more taxation. The were supported of course by Ed Milliband.

The same crew would almost certainly actively oppose any meaningful restriction on immigration.

Barking Spider said...

Left-wing "humour" = unfunny total shite!

banned said...

Patentlys first comment sums it up nicely.
At least it goes to show that they do read our stuff.
Glad I gave up on the Guardian at about age 15&3/4.

Hurf Durf said...

It's your typical Graudain contributor being a cunt, as per usual. The sheer level of vindictiveness, however, matches the type coming from Sunny Hundal, Coco the Brown, that climate scientist on Newsnight and many other Warmists. Looks like the con is getting to them.

I'd like the artist of this particular turd to explain why CRU sought funding from Shell International.