Or You Could Design Rubber Tips For Them, Idris?
Idris Elba has called for *kitchen knives to have their ends rounded off*
in a bid to tackle the UK's *violent gang crisis*.
Oh, not this old chestnut ag...
15 hours ago
Yesterday you accused us all of flogging a dead horse....
today you are complaining about the redactions.
make your mind up.
this is either a live story or not.
which is it?
scott -
theres a difference between noting the censorship in the recent publications, and going on about - as many have been - yet more expenses revelations regarding what has been purchased with public money. personally, i'm less worried about MPs buying duck houses, and more worried about the government concealing what has and hasnt been claimed on. i think CF was referring to the constant drip-drip of '*unknown MP* has bought *household substance* with our money.' this is far less important at this stage than other political stories. however, thats not to say bloggers shouldnt note the censorship, which is new, unlike the news that MPs have used our money to buy things they shouldnt have.
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