The Love Labour's Lost
And, like many splits, it's acrimonious. Now that the rose-tinted spec's are off, the many, many faults in the former sweetheart are glaringly obvious. And they're gonna get told.
The Sun's "Dear John" letter to Gordo' doesn't just dump him: it kicks him in the nuts and cuts up all his suits, stamps on his glass eye and shits on his sofa.
Even the timing was deliberate - puncture Gordon's bubble just as he's finished inflating it. Nip the 'fightback' in the bud.
But why dump him? Here's wot the Sun says:
Britain feels broken . . . and the Government is out of excuses.
FAILED on law and order ... Knife murders are soaring. Smirking criminals routinely walk free in the name of political correctness, while decent people live in a virtual police state of snooping cameras and petty officials empowered to spy and to punish.
FAILED on schools .. four in 10 kids ... still unable to read, write or add up properly. ... every year "grade inflation" ensures record GCSE and A-level passes to fuel Government propaganda.
FAILED on health - spending billions on clipboard-ticking target managers instead of on frontline care.
FAILED our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving them to die through chronic under-funding and the shambolic leadership of dismal Defence Secretaries like Bob Ainsworth.
Billions more spent, insanely, making benefits more lucrative than a pay cheque - creating a huge, idle underclass for whom work is a dirty word.
And then, the Sun's view on why Gordon and Labour did all this:
And all along the Government has had one overriding concern: Itself.
Labour's driving ambition has not been to improve Britain. It has been to retain power at all costs - with no lie judged too great in its ruthless and relentless self-promotion.
That is a fact Gordon Brown cannot escape, for all his rhetoric yesterday - his rewriting of history, his absurd caricature of the "heartless" Tories, his tired promises to solve problems he has had 12 years to solve.
That's told 'em, eh? It's a safe bet that McBroon will be choking on his cornflakes this morning.